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In 2021 and 2022, we are honored to make available most of the published books by Dr. John H. Morgan. Dr. Morgan is the founder of Wyndham Hall Press and his involvement in our history is something that we cherish.
Dr. Morgan holds the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the Hartford Seminary Foundation, the Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) from the Graduate Theological Foundation, the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in Behavioral Studies from the London College of Applied Science (UK), and the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) from Foundation House/Oxford (UK). He is the recently retired Emeritus Research Professor of Clinical Psychopathology (GTF). For 25 years the Karl Mannheim Professor of the History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences and most recently the Editor-in-Chief of The Behavioral Mind: A Journal of Personality Disorders published by MacBain & Boyd. Until his recent retirement, he was Senior Fellow in Behavioral Sciences of Foundation House/Oxford (UK) where he taught a doctoral-level seminar and served as a member of the Board of Studies for twenty years in the international summer program of Oxford University (UK) during which time he served as Editorial Director of The Rhodes-Fulbright International Library. Dr. Morgan has held postdoctoral appointments to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton and is a former National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellow at the University of Notre Dame as well as having held three appointments as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the University of Chicago. In 2010, he was a Visiting Scholar at New York University and in 2015 was appointed Visiting Scholar at Harvard University for the third time in his academic career.
Dr. John H. Morgan's titles are now available at Amazon markets all over the world, in Print and Ebook versions. The following titles were prepared in 2021:
THE DAMAGED SELF: Exploring the Psychopathology of a Diminished Life
(studies in child personality development)
ISBN 978-155605-521-8 Paperback and ISBN 978-155605-522-5 Ebook
A diminished life is the result of this failure to foster a positive and healthy self-concept in childhood. It is the intention of this study to explore the psychopathology resulting from this failure in what is being called here the diminished self. This book demonstrates how eleven theorists and practitioners from the psychological and social sciences addressed both the causes of child diminishment and the various pathways to healing during the formative years of the counseling profession. Dr. Morgan considers this book to be his best work in recent years.
Sigmund Freud Comprehensive Reference Dictionary Of PSYCHOANALYSIS
(based exclusively on the Standard Edition of the
Collected Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)
ISBN 978-155605-517-1
For 20 years I taught a doctoral-level seminar in the international summer program of Oxford University and have held a professorial appointment in research psychopathology specializing in the classical and modern schools of psychotherapy with special emphasis on the psychopathology of personality disorders.
HARRY STACK SULLIVAN, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Edited by John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-518-8
Harry Stack Sullivan, I will say that it is a great help if the lexicographer is an authority in the field. For 20 years I taught both interpersonal psychotherapy* and Harry Stack Sullivan in a doctoral-level seminar in the international summer program of Oxford University and for over 30 years have held a professorial appointment in the history and philosophy of the social sciences specializing in the classical and modern schools of psychotherapy with special emphasis on the psychopathology of personality disorders.
The Morgan Reader: A Compendium of Scholarly Papers
ISBN 978-155605-520-1 paperback
ISBN 978-155605-519-5 E Book
I trust that I may be allowed a certain privilege of calling this collection “The Morgan Reader” owing to my years of service in this field and in recognition that all of the essays appearing in this compendium are actually my own work. I have put this collection together in an attempt to accommodate my many students and colleagues who are interested in what I have had to say over the years but find it encumbering to search the various journals and websites for access to my essays when a single collection of the more significant articles might better serve. Enjoying, as I am, my additional time beyond the biblically allocated “three score and ten years,” I am at ease with my willingness to revel in this exercise of narcissism, itself a topic about which I have written much!
In The Beginning
The Paleolithic Origins of Religious Consciousness
ISBN: 978-155605-487-7 Paperback
ISBN: 978-155605-488-4 E Book
This inquiry is intended to explore the earliest manifestations of religious consciousness among our Paleolithic ancestors. It is not designed to be a defense of Darwinian evolutionary science but rather embraces the science as a prerequisite to the inquiry. Furthermore, no effort will be made to be “convincing” with respect to humankind’s Paleolithic origins but, rather takes as a scientific given our evolution from pre-human to human form.
Religious Humanism as Spiritual Journey
by John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-491-4 Paperback
ISBN 978-155605-492-1 E Book
Our purpose here is to explore the nature of religion as defined and developed in the humanistic tradition wherein there is no biblical concept of God but there is a concept of religion with special reference to Julian Huxley
Treatment Options in Clinical Practice
ISBN 978-1-55605-515-7
Ebook 978 1-55605-516-4
Psychiatry is a medical practice with a long and distinguished tradition of efforts at both the therapeutic treatment of mental illness and research within the field of psychopathology. In this study, we will be exploring the various methods of treatment in psychotherapy as well as the various approaches to the understanding of mental illness in psychopathology. Our approach will be to identify the five leading modalities of treatment in modern psychiatry and to explore the evolutionary development of such treatment methods ranging from psychotherapy to psychopharmacology, the former addressing the cause of the disorder and the latter the symptoms of the illness. Granted that the range of treatment methods and modalities within modern psychiatry today consists of a plethora of approaches, there is a general consensus that the five most commonly used methods in the “practice” of psychiatry constitute the core of the profession.
Psychopathology A Clinical Guide to Personality Disorders
By John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-503-4
ISBN Ebook978-155605-504-1
It is important to realize that psychopathology does not imply any particular psychotherapy. Psychopathology is the identification and classification of mental illness based on behavioral traits sufficiently evidenced as to provide a categorization of clustered characteristics. Whether or not a therapist uses psychoanalysis (Freud), logotherapy (Frankl), interpersonal psychotherapy (Sullivan), or cognitive behavior therapy (Beck) is left to the professional’s own preference and training. The identification and classification of mental illness is the purview of psychopathology and the selected treatment plan of that mental illness is the purview of psychotherapy.
Understanding Ourselves: Essays in the History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
By John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-501-0 Paperback
ISBN 978-155605-502-7 Ebook
In just over a century, the Social Sciences have grown from a non-entity to a major force in the areas of public policy, globalization, cultural pluralism, and biodiversity. From Herbert Spencer’s monolithic salvo into the construction of what was initially called “social physic” to Edward O. Wilson’s historic work in biodiversity, the history and philosophy of the social sciences has come of age. Because science of any kind does not exist in a vacuum and does not self-create but is the product of a community of minds focused corporately upon an analytical problem, we cannot speak of the social sciences without realizing that it was the social scientists who created the science. Therefore, the following collection of essays addresses key thinkers and their specific contributions to this broad field of study.
The Psychoanalytic Theories of Karen Horney, Melanie Klein, & Anna Freud
ISBN 978-155605-489-1 Paperback
ISBN 978-155605-490-7 E Book
Child behavior has been one of the most abiding topics of conversation within the human community from the beginning of conversations among adults with off-spring. From Neanderthals to Drs. Spock and Brothers is no small leap and yet, in spite of the passage of time, the scope of the conversation regarding child behavior has, we are certain, remained more or less within the same parameters of parental concern over conduct and performance. The coming of psychology has brought with it a range of scientifically developed mechanisms for identification, assessment, and treatment of what we now understand to be emotional disorders when once they were summarily categorized as indicative of Original Sin!
Developmental Psychology in Marie Montessori, Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson
By John H. Morgan
978-155605-493-8 P
978-155605-494-5 E
In its fledgling state of development, this branch of psychology focused almost exclusively upon issues related to the developmental learning in infancy and early childhood. Subsequent development under the leadership of key figures in the field of education such as Marie Montessori, Jean Piaget, and Erik Erikson saw developmental psychology as it came to be called evolve into one of the most active and vital sub-specializations within psychology. Under the leadership of Karen Horney, Melanie Klein, and Anna Freud, psychopathology moved into the field of child development and created a whole new area of specialization in clinical psychotherapy as I have explored in my 2019 book, Child Psychopathology in Clinical Practice. In the following study, we will concentrate our attention upon child development and stay within the confines of developmental psychology as it has come to be known and defined. Though our interest here will be upon the learning spectrum of child development demonstrated in the pioneering work of Montessori, Piaget, and Erikson,
CLINICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY A History of Theory and Practice
(from Sigmund Freud to Aaron Beck) 2nd Edition
By John H. Morgan
978-155605-497-6 P
978-155605-498-2 E
Believing that the use of primary sources is the best way of learning the thought system of a great thinker, I have decided to focus upon a single text of each of the psychotherapists considered in this book. Though the entire corpus of their work will be incorporated in this enquiry, our approach will be to critically consider a major text which established each one as a leading theorist in the field of psychotherapy. We will provide a biographical summary of each theorist followed by a textual analysis of a classic work in their repertoire. We will also include a comprehensive bibliography of each theorist relevant to each system of psychotherapy considered here.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Terminal All-But-Dissertation Phenomenon
in American Higher Education A National Study of Failures to Complete Doctoral Studies in Theology
978-155605-511-9 Paperback
978-155605-512-6 E Book
My first inclination was to write up this study and let the book stand on the legitimacy of the empirical data. On second thought, I have decided to make it a rather personal exploration into the dark side of academia.
In Ireland it is said that there are forty shades of green and from my thirty plus years in academia, I believe the same can be said of beginning doctoral students. The naiveté with which I approached my doctoral studies could not be matched by many save possibly the early Irish immigrants who came to this land via Ellis Island expecting to find streets of gold and jobs aplenty in the joyous comforts of the Bronx. I went to graduate school, that is to say, the Hartford Seminary Foundation, to pursue a Ph.D. because I wanted to teach in higher education. Really, I just wanted to be a university professor and because I was a preacher’s kid and knew about things ecclesiastical, the seminary seemed the most comforting place to do doctoral studies. It proved everything I had hoped for and more. Those years are glorious and splendid to me even now, some thirty years later. And yet, no one could have been more uninformed about doctoral studies than I was when I entered.
GERIATRIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: Essays in Clinical Practice and Counseling Psychology
By John H. Morgan
978-155605-507-2 Paperback
978-155605-508-9 E Book
Based on my professional assessment of the present state of theory and practice in psychotherapy as relates to the care and counseling of the post-retirement population in America, I have over the last few years concentrated much of my research and publishing in the field of geriatric psychotherapy. It is my conviction that the leading schools of psychotherapy, both classical and modern, have too quickly terminated their application and relevance to the growing number of post-retired individuals in need of pastoral care and counseling. The classical schools, it is understandable, were developed during a time when individuals did not live much beyond retirement age. The longevity of western populations during the time of Freud, Adler, Jung, and Frankl were not much beyond 65 years of age and even from Erikson the Sullivan, few Americans lived beyond 68 years with a small exceptional percentage.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:The Writing Formula for
Academic Papers
ISBN 978-155605-505-8 paperback
ISBN 978-155605-506-5E Book
The purpose of this guide to research methodology is to provide instructions for the writing of an academic paper. This guide intends to address the pertinent questions, issues, and concerns of the aspiring author as regards doing research on the internet and writing up the findings for an academic paper. The major steps covered in this discussion include a statement of the problem being researched, a comprehensive review of the relevant literature in the field, a delineation of the research method being employed in the research project at hand, whether data base, historical, etc.
CLINICAL PASTORAL PSYCHOTHERAPY: A Practitioner’s Handbook for Ministry Professionals
An Expanded 2nd Edition
John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-499-0 Paperback
ISBN 978-155605-500-3 E Book
The intent in this practitioner’s handbook is two-fold. First, we intend to provide a substantive exploration into the definitional parameters of each of the major terms employed in the explication of the nature and function of clinical pastoral psychotherapy. Second, we will provide a quick reference for ministry professionals seeking access to information regarding professional associations, state licensure laws, a glossary of professional terminology, and bibliographic and internet references to the major schools of thought in psychotherapy. Each of the key terms in the handbook, viz., clinical, pastoral, psychotherapy, and ministry, will be defined from both the pastoral and psychological perspectives, thereby establishing and justifying the category of clinical pastoral psychotherapy within a broadly defined concept of professional ministry.
After the Call: A Structural and Functional Analysis Of the Ministry Profession
Nearly everyone has an opinion about nearly everything. When it comes to religion, there is a certainty about this statement. Furthermore, because people with opinions often, but not always, are themselves involved in some way with the subject about which an opinion has been formed, when it comes to religion people can be very emotionally attached to their opinions. When assessing the clergy, most people and virtually all religious people have an opinion, not just about the clergy person or persons they know and have known but about the profession itself, who should be and who should not be, what they should and should not do, etc. Yet, more often than not, those who express their opinions particularly about what the meaning and nature of ministry should be and should not be are themselves neither informed about nor schooled in the requirements of the profession. A reverse adage might be, “It’s not business, it’s strictly personal!”
NATURALLY GOOD: A Behavioral History of Moral Development
By John H Morgan
(from Charles Darwin to E. O. Wilson)
978-155605-485-3 P
978-155605-486-0 E
I commenced this book in my mind many years ago when I gave a lecture at Notre Dame on the “natural history of moral behavior.” Needless to say, it caused a stir and I have not forgotten it nor the urge to press on with a summary of those pivotal texts in the history of western thought which have both given rise to and nurtured the notion that human being as good by virtue of the evolutionary necessity of being good in order to survive. In other words, “moral behavior” is an evolutionary product of survival. Of course, we have blessed our product of morality with transcendent accolades in order, as Freud would say, to enforce our principles upon children and the world. Yet, the argument stands that moral behavior is an evolutionary process necessary for the survival of the species. And this, of course, will be what is explored in the following run through of the major theorists and major texts in western thought written in the past one hundred and fifty years.
PRIVATE PRACTICE: A Guide for Clergy Considering a Counseling Career By John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-483-9 Paperback
ISBN 978-155605-484-6 E Book
At the risk of appearing self-absorbed or even dangerously narcissistic, I have decided in this book to concentrate on what I myself have learned in my 35 years of working with clergy completing their doctoral studies in the field of pastoral counseling. I am particularly interested in sharing with my readers what I have learned in working with over 2,000 pastors and priests, many of whom eventually left parish ministry to pursue a counseling career in private practice. Granted, there are a number of helpful studies and self-help books for individuals interested in developing a private practice in counseling, but to my certain knowledge there is not a major study focused specifically upon the parish clergy considering a counseling career upon leaving the congregational setting. This, therefore, is to be our primary focus in the development of this “guide” for those clergy considering such a career change.
POST-BIBLICAL RELIGION: Essays in Secular Spirituality
By John H. Morgan
ISBN 978-155605-509-6 Paperback
ISBN 978-155605-510-2 E Book
From Sir Julian Huxley’s Religion Without Revelation (1927) to E. O. Wilson’s On Human Nature (1979) constitutes 50 years of rapid development in what is today called secular spirituality but 50 years ago was more commonly referred to as humanism. Both recipients of the Humanist of the Year award, Huxley in 1962 and Wilson in 1979, these two scientific giants have provided both a humanistic and scientific contextualization of what is today called secular spirituality. Huxley attempted to maintain the vocabulary of religious discourse while providing a new definitional framework for ethical humanism. On the other hand, Wilson has ventured to propose a dialectical forum for dialogue between religion, called ethical theism, and science, called secular naturalism. Two points we will wish to make in these introductory remarks, viz., the present zeitgeist suggests a shift away from institutional religious expression and towards a personal sense of spirituality devoid of either a commitment to an institution or to a firm belief in a transcendent Being, and, in order to understand this paradigm shift in modern consciousness, it will be important for us to recognize a distinction between a dualistic definition of religion (eminence and transcendence) and a monistic definition of spirituality, i.e., religion requires a belief in a transcendent reality whereas spirituality is built upon the experience of awe, wonder, and mystery without transcendence. These two points we will explore in detail.
BEING HUMAN: Perspectives on Meaning and Interpretation
(Essays in Religion, Culture, and Personality)
978-1-55605-513-3 Paperback
(Essays in Religion, Culture, and Personality)
978-1-55605-513-3 Paperback
978-1-55605-514-0 E Book
There is an unspoken understanding among academics that in the releasing of a new book, an author is expected both to acknowledge the sources of inspiration and support which went into making up this new block of work and, also, to present an introduction to the work, especially when it is a collection of essays. I have decided to do both at once, recognizing that the introducing of my latest collection of essays necessitates an acknowledgment of those sources, personal and institutional, which facilitated the effort.
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Our specialty includes books on Logotherapy, Classroom Textbooks, Technical / Research Monographs, and Specialized scholarship publishing. Currently we are not reviewing additional titles or manuscripts.
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